
The stone carved table with 12 stools
The Logo
This stone carved table with 12 stools is a masterpiece of the great Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuşi. Initially intended to glorify our nation's apostles, this entity is proposed as a symbol for high level discussions.
Romanian School of Fundamentals in Electrical Engineering

Prof. Remus Răduleţ (1904-1984), the long time head of the Electrical Engineering Department in our university, is the founder of the Romanian school of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. A member of the Romanian Academy, prof. Răduleţ has outstanding contributions in the electromagnetic field theory, and edited the Romanian Technical Lexicon. Prof. Răduleţ has been the president of the International Electrotechnical Commission (1964-1968), and coordinated its multilingual dictionary of electricity (1983). His work has been continued by his PhD students prof. Alexandru Timotin (1925-2007) and prof. Andrei Ţugulea (1928-2017), members of the Romanian Academy, as well as by a lot of professors and researchers in our department.

Symposium Tradition

In the '70s a group of assistants and lecturers from the Department of Electrical Engineering in our university initiated the Seminar of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals which analyzed new works in this area. 15 years ago this seminar became the National Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, considered as a prestigious meeting for the Romanian and foreign researchers in this field. Considering that this symposium came of age, this year it becomes the International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.

Previous Editions

ISFEE 2020 / IEEE Proceedings

ISFEE 2018 / IEEE Proceedings

ISFEE 2016 / IEEE Proceedings

ISFEE 2014 / IEEE Proceedings

SNET until 2012 / 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012


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