Technical Program

(Click here to download the)
Final program
On-line conference direct access link (MS Teams)

Details about online presentations using MS Teams are available in the following guide.

ISFEE 2023 – MS TEAMS connection guide

Guidelines for Presentations

Guidelines for Oral Presentations
  • 10 minutes are allocated for the presentation of a regular paper and 5 minutes are given for questions and discussions.
  • Session timings are listed in the technical program. Session chairs will strictly enforce these time limits. A useful estimate is to allot approximately one minute for each slide.
  • All oral presentations should be prepared in Microsoft Powerpoint format.
  • The day of their oral presentation, all speakers should "check in" with the session chairman at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the session in order to give him/her the name and a short biography of the presenter. Talks will be called at the time scheduled in the technical program or earlier if the presenters of a previous paper are missing.
  • Session chairs have the responsibility of reporting "no-shows" to the Technical Program Committee.

